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Can another party delete Instagram messages?


Yes, the other party can delete the Instagram messages sent to them.

If you have sent a direct message (DM) to someone on Instagram, they can delete that message from their chat history.

If the other person deletes a message you sent, it will be removed from their chat history, and they will no longer be able to access it. But, it is not mean that you delete an Instagram chat from both sides.

However, it is essential to note that deleting a message in this way does not remove it from your chat history.

Therefore, if you want to delete the Instagram message, you will need to delete it from your end.

It is also worth noting that if the other person has already seen the message before they delete it, it will not be removed from their memory.


They may still remember the content of the message or have taken a screenshot of it.


Consequently, it is essential to be mindful of what you are sending and to take appropriate precautions to protect your privacy and safety.

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