is a website in the field of training and techniques of social networks, especially Instagram. This website tries to solve the problems of social network users.
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Why Are Instagram Links Not Working 2023? (+ 7 Reasons)

Instagram is an incredibly enjoyable social networking platform that is not only free but also widely utilized by individuals and businesses alike.

Businesses and celebrities have harnessed the power of Instagram to promote their products and content, creating a mutually beneficial environment for all parties involved.

When you peruse business accounts on Instagram, you'll notice that they often feature links to their products or business websites in various sections of their profiles.

These website links on Instagram can be found in stories, profile bios, direct messages, and more, making it convenient for users to access additional information.

However, what do you do when Instagram links suddenly stop functioning on your Android or iPhone? It can be quite frustrating to encounter error messages when attempting to access content promptly.

In this article, we offer some practical tips to resolve the issue on your Android or iPhone and provide answers to the question, "Why are Instagram links not working?"


Table of Contents

  1. Seven Reasons Behind Instagram Links Not Working Error

It's essential to identify the causes behind Instagram links not working, as the solution becomes straightforward once the root of the problem is understood.

Let's explore the reasons why the links in your Instagram may not be functioning correctly:

  1. The link provided in the bio may no longer be active. It's crucial to check if your link-shortening service is still operational, as such services can become inaccessible for various reasons. You can verify this by using a different link-shortening provider or including the complete URL in your profile.

  2. The link may not be directed to the appropriate location. Instagram profiles typically have a bio section where links can be posted. If a link is included in the caption of a post or video, it will not be active.

  3. You may not have the most recent version of the Instagram app installed on your device. Links will only function correctly if you have updated your Instagram app. Instagram occasionally releases updates that address issues preventing links from being activated on the platform.

  4. Instagram bio links may stop working due to software glitches in the Instagram app. These glitches can occur when there is a problem with your phone's software.

  5. You may have exceeded Instagram's caching limits. Instagram caches data to enhance performance, but this caching can sometimes interfere with links. If you're experiencing issues with Instagram, clearing your cache may help.

  6. A stable internet connection is necessary for links to load correctly. Ensure you have a reliable and consistent internet connection.

  7. Instagram may have restricted the bio link feature due to the prevalence of spam accounts. The platform is now more selective about which links can be shared.

What Types of Links Are Blocked by Instagram?

Instagram often blocks certain types of links to combat spam and maintain a safe environment for users. These blocked link types include:

  • Links associated with spammy profiles or websites.
  • Explicit links.
  • Hasty connections between different profiles.
  • Shortened URLs.
  • Links with fake domain names.
  • References to other social media platforms like Snapchat and Telegram. The feature allowing users to recommend others to follow them on other services has been disabled.

Solutions to Fix Instagram Links Not Working Error (Six Common & Practical Methods)

Now that we've explored the potential causes, let's delve into solutions to bid farewell to the annoying issue of "Instagram links not working."

  1. Restart Your Phone: If you're facing issues with Instagram links on your Android or iOS device, try restarting your device. Many minor issues can be resolved by simply restarting the device.

  2. Log Out & Log Back In: If restarting your iPhone doesn't resolve the issue, consider logging out of the Instagram app and then logging back in with your credentials. Encourage your friends to do the same.

  3. Clear Instagram App Cache: To clear the Instagram app's cache, follow these steps:

    • Go to "Preferences."
    • Tap on "Apps" at the bottom.
    • Find and select "Instagram."
    • Tap "Clear Data."
    • Choose "Cache/Clear" from the menu.
  4. Update the Instagram App: Ensure that you have the latest version of the Instagram app installed on your iPhone or Android device. Using an outdated version can lead to issues with Instagram links.

  5. Uninstall and Reinstall Instagram: In some cases, even after updating the app and restarting the device, Instagram links may not function correctly. If this happens, uninstall the Instagram app and then reinstall it.

  6. Contact Instagram Customer Support: If you have tried the above steps and are still experiencing issues with Instagram links, it's advisable to reach out to Instagram's customer support for assistance.


In conclusion, problems with Instagram links not working can stem from various sources, including technical glitches, algorithm changes, user behavior, or platform restrictions. As Instagram evolves, these issues may continue to arise, so users must stay informed about the platform's rules and features.

For the most up-to-date information, consider checking Instagram's official help resources or announcements. We have provided a comprehensive guide on the reasons behind Instagram links not working and offered practical solutions to address this issue.

If you have personal experiences or additional methods to share regarding "Why are Instagram links not working?" please feel free to share them in the comment section to benefit our readers. is a website in the field of training and techniques of social networks, especially Instagram. This website tries to solve the problems of social network users.

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