

Why Can’t I Unfollow Someone On Instagram? [Why Won’t Let Me]

Why won’t Instagram let me unfollow people?

Why can’t I unfollow someone on Instagram

You can’t unfollow someone for a few reasons. Maybe you’ve reached your limit, or perhaps you’ve unfollowed and followed too many accounts in a short time.

Just so you know, there’s actually a limit to how many accounts you can follow and unfollow in a single day. The limit depends on how old your account is.

So, basically, newer accounts tend to get around 100 unfollows every day, while older accounts might get around 150 or even a bit more unfollows daily. Once you hit your limit, Instagram won’t let you unfollow anyone anymore.

You are not restricted to waiting until the following day to unfollow someone:

1. Mute.

Mute - Why can’t I unfollow someone on Instagram

2. Politely request that they unfollow you.

2. Politely request that they unfollow you. - Why can’t I unfollow someone on Instagram

3. Block.

Block - Why can’t I unfollow someone on Instagram

Later in the article, we’ll dive into how do you mute & unmute someone on Instagram and why it might be useful to do so.

If you mute someone, you will still remain their follower. So, you’re saying that nothing has changed?

The only thing is, you won’t be able to see their content anymore. You can also hide your content from them, so they won’t be able to see what you’re doing either.

Another option you can think about is muting someone for a while, then waiting until your limit resets, and finally unfollowing them.

Sure, you have the option to block that person. Blocking someone basically means that you won’t be able to communicate or connect with that person until you decide to unblock them.

Sure, this solution will help you remove the person from your account.

You could also just ask the person to unfollow you, which might be a bit awkward. So, basically, they’ll understand that you don’t want to be their followers anymore. Well, it could be a potential solution to your problem.

Why won’t Instagram let me unfollow hashtags?

We should say that you have the option to unfollow or follow any Instagram hashtags that you like. Just head over to your profile and click on the hashtags tab. From there, you can easily unfollow the ones you don’t want to see anymore.

How many Instagram users can you unfollow?

You have the option to unfollow everyone on Instagram if you want to. You don’t have to worry about having any followers or following anyone on Instagram. It’s totally up to you! You can totally have zero posts, zero followers, and zero following. No worries!

Well, the thing you’re wondering about is how many people you can unfollow in a single day, right? So, it seems like the answer would be around 100 to 150 accounts per day.

Just so you know, Instagram treats unfollows and follows the same way. So, your limit applies to both actions.

If you reach your limit for the day, just take a break and wait it out.  If you can’t wait, just go ahead and mute, block, or ask them to remove you from their follower lists.


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