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10 Best Password Manager Apps For Android (+Download Link)

In the days when each of us is a member of many social networks and websites and service applications, one of the big problems is choosing the right password, and according to the advice of security researchers, your passwords should not be the same. It can be clearly said that considering the passwords with different signs and symbols and the passwords not being the same will definitely make it difficult for the users to remember them.

Password management services are designed to save users from having to remember troublesome passwords. These services, which have been used by common people for several years and some of them have been introduced in the past, provide a secure platform for storing and accessing all your passwords in one place and are considered the best solution for managing passwords.

Password management programs or password managers are a repository for storing and maintaining your passwords, so you no longer need to write down the passwords of different websites somewhere or worry about forgetting them. These tools are installed as applications or browser extensions on operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. In this way, these passwords can be accessed everywhere, and you only need to remember one master password to access your passwords.

These tools are also called automatically when you need to enter a password in different sites and applications and offer you the stored password for that site or application so that you don't need to open their software. Since most of the password manager services are used to enter information on websites, the developers of these tools release special extensions for browsers to make their use easier for the user.

Before explaining how password managers work, we need to talk briefly about the ability to save passwords in browsers. Different browsers, including Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, have a section for storing your passwords; So that when you enter your password to enter any website, a password saving notification will be displayed at the top of the page. If you save it, the password will be registered in the account connected to the browser, and you don't need to re-enter your password when you re-enter the website, and you can recall the saved password with a button.

Usually, most browsers have synchronization capabilities and you can access passwords on different devices; But if you want to access your passwords in applications in addition to the browser, you will need a password management tool. But this is not the main reason for using password managers.

The way password managers work is that a user account is created for you by assigning a master password or master password, and you can enter your account information manually or automatically and finally tap on save to save it forever in the software. To access and view this password and other saved passwords when necessary, you only need to enter the main password to enter the Vard software.

In the automatic password saving mode, when you create a user account or log in to different websites, this tool will intelligently suggest you to save the password and there is no need to enter it manually. You can also update your password every time you change it or define a new one.

Password management tools are not only used to store passwords, in this case they will not be different from browser password managers. These tools can be likened to a safe for keeping important documents and documents, so the security parameter is the first word in them and is considered its most important feature. A good, reliable and well-known password manager uses the highest standards against security breaches and protective measures in case of leaks or cyber attacks.

The second important feature of these tools is the ability to generate complex passwords. Most users usually consider passwords that are short or easy to remember. As you know, one of the main reasons for hacking is choosing simple passwords. The more complex a password is, the less likely it is to be guessed by robots. Therefore, password managers in the simplest case should be able to create secure and complex passwords by their encrypted database, and simply storing risky passwords is not enough for a password management tool.

In the next place, they should warn him about the non-standard and high-risk passwords that have already been created by the user and force him to change the password. These three are the most important features of these tools, which are actually intended to keep your accounts more secure.

Different tools of this type provide other capabilities to encourage the user to use them, which can be used in offline mode, categorization of passwords, input and output of passwords, automatic password entry (Auto fill) with the possibility of biometric authentication, Generation of recurring or one-time passwords and password sharing (for family accounts) for reference.

NordPass password management program

NordPass is made by the famous company NordVPN, which has a good history of providing security tools. Even the free version of this program provides users with all the basic features of password management. This tool has a very simple design that makes it easy to navigate and use. One of the attractive features of this program is the support for biometric login in desktop software.

Creating a NordPass account is very simple and takes little time. If you buy the premium account of this program, you will be able to use it with a maximum of 6 devices. Perhaps one of the negative points about the paid version of this program is its $60 price per year, which is much higher than similar software. This tool is available on all platforms, including Windows, Mac, Android, Linux, Chrome OS and iOS, and one of its very good features is support for two-step authentication systems. In addition, like most password management programs, you can install this tool on Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave and Opera browsers.

NordPass also supports automatic form completion and is compatible with Face ID, Touch ID, fingerprint sensors of Android devices as well as Windows Hello feature.

Keeper password management program

The Keeper app supports an unlimited number of passwords, so you can use it to store and manage the passwords of your large number of online accounts with ease. This tool also supports the functionality of auto-filling the form so that you can do it more easily and quickly when registering or needing to enter online services.

Other attractive features of Keeper include the ability to create strong passwords and log in using a fingerprint sensor or facial recognition systems. Like most password management tools, this program supports a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS, and also has extensions for popular web browsers and synchronizes user data between different devices.

You can also lock your private files and images with Keeper so that others cannot access them. The possibility of safe sharing of password and username is one of the other features of this program. If you have a lot of online accounts, you can organize your passwords by type in different folders and categories. The app is even compatible with Apple Watch and can be used for two-step login.

Another feature of Keeper is its ease of use. The program also uses AES-256 and PBKDF2 technologies to increase the security of users' data. In addition, TRUSTe and SOC-2 certification assure you that using this program is highly secure.

KeePass open source and free password management program

KeePaas may not be the most powerful password program and doesn't offer a lot of customization options, but it's completely free. The important thing to use this program is that you have to put different parts together according to your needs.

A desktop version of KeePass has been released for the Windows operating system, which can also be run on Linux with a little modification. In addition, the user must synchronize between multiple devices through cloud storage services such as OneDrive or Dropbox. Among other important features of this program is providing full control over users' data.

KeePass is also offered as an open source project, so many plugins have been written for it, each adding new features. For example, if you need two-step login, you can use several free software plugins designed for this feature. It may require a bit of technical knowledge to use this app, but it is certainly a great choice for people who are interested in new challenges.

EnPass password management program

The desktop version of EnPass offers powerful, unlimited and attractive features for Windows, Mac and Linux, but its mobile version, which is available for free for Android and iOS, is limited to only 25 passwords.

The EnPass program provides the basics of password management tools well, but to use features such as cross-device synchronization, you must do so using cloud storage services such as OneDrive, Dropbox, etc., because this program does not have built-in cloud synchronization, of course. This feature is considered a security advantage for some users.

EnPass, on the other hand, offers synchronization with devices connected to your local network. This program has a simple user interface and is easy to use. The mobile versions of this software also have a modern design and support biometric login systems such as fingerprint sensor and face recognition.

This program, like most password management software, supports a variety of operating systems and can be installed on different browsers.


Androidtechniq There are many ways to make Windows and Android operating systems work together. One of these methods is to display the Android phone .....

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