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Nescafe Cake (Spongy) With Fantastic Topper

Nescafe sponge cake is one of the most popular and delicious cakes, which is a suitable option for birthday and wedding cakes.

This cake is very suitable for creaming and has a good texture and taste, and no oil is used in its preparation.

Making Nescafe cake at home is very simple and fast. Nescafe cake is one of the most popular types of cake, and it is a great and hearty suggestion for a snack.

Necessary ingredients for making Nescafe cake:

Eggs (yolk): 4 pcs

Sugar: 1 cup

Pastry flour: 2 cups

Butter: 100 grams

Nescafe: 1 teaspoon

Water (boiling): 2 tablespoons

Baking powder: 2 teaspoons

Vanilla: As much as needed

Ingredients needed to prepare the procedure:

Milk: 1/2 cup

Butter: 25 grams

Powdered sugar: 60 grams

Starch: 2 tablespoons

Nescafe: 1 teaspoon

How to prepare Nescafe cake:

Bring the butter to room temperature. Then add sugar and beat with an electric mixer until it becomes creamy and elastic. Separate the egg yolks and whites and add the yolks to the sugar and butter and stir until completely mixed.

At this stage, dissolve Nescafe in boiling water and add to the ingredients.

Sift flour and baking powder together, add little by little to the ingredients and mix.

Grease the inside of the suitable mold with oil and sprinkle some flour, (spread oil paper) and pour the ingredients inside.

Place the mold in the middle window of the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for half an hour (30 to 35 minutes).

How to prepare Nescafe cake topping:

To prepare the topping, put all the ingredients in a small pot and heat it very gently until it reaches the consistency of porridge. Then pour the slightly lukewarm ingredients on the cooled cake and decorate.

Hints :

To make the cake more delicious, you can add the same amount of milk instead of water.

You can also use liquid oil instead of butter, but for this you must first mix sugar and eggs, then add liquid oil to it.

Chocolate brillo, which is a type of chocolate cream, can be used to decorate this cake. Or it can also be decorated and served with whipped cream flavored with a little Nescafe powder or coffee.

This Nescafe cake recipe is suitable for 4 people.

The preparation time for this Nescafe cake is about 20 minutes.


alo recipes
alo recipes A website for share the great recipes , and a recipe finder.

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