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Simple Zebra Cake Recipe

I brought a cake, what kind of cake, zebra cake or zebra cake is so beautiful that it doesn't need to be decorated. Lovely, stylish and delicious!

Necessary ingredients for preparing zebra zebra cake with soft and spongy texture

3 eggs

Sugar 1/5 glass

2 and a half glasses of flour

Oil 1 cup or less

Milk or water 1 glass

Baking powder 2 tablespoons

Vanilla 2 teaspoons

How to prepare zebra cake with soft and spongy texture

Mix the eggs, sugar and vanilla until it becomes creamy and smooth. Then add the oil and mix a little.

Add oil and mix a little. The material becomes slightly loose and foamy, which is compensated by adding flour. Put the mixer aside and add the flour and baking powder, which have been sifted 3 times with a spatula, to the mixture in several stages and little by little, and stir in one direction until there are no flour balls left.

Now we divide the ingredients into two almost equal parts. Add a spoonful of flour to a bowl and cocoa powder to a bowl.

Mix both slowly with a whisk until the ingredients are uniform. Now, in a mold with a diameter of about 22 mm, which we have greased with separating oil or greased with greaseproof paper, pour a ladle of white material in the center of the mold.

Then a ladle of cocoa powder. We continue in the same way until we run out of materials.

When pouring the ingredients, be careful to pour the mixture right in the middle of the mold and on top of each other and slowly.

Put it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40 to 60 minutes.


alo recipes
alo recipes A website for share the great recipes , and a recipe finder.

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