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How To Cook Chickpeas Stovetop

Chickpeas have a warm and dry character and are one of the best legumes for strengthening the bones, which have a special place in various dishes of the Iranian table, and its consumption is recommended for people of all ages. One of the forms of preparing food from peas is the food known as pea water.

Many Arabs and southerners of our country turn to consuming special foods such as chickpea water in the cold seasons of the year, which of course some Arab speakers call it lab labi.

This healthy, nutritious and delicious food is often cooked and offered in traditional canteens or on the side of the street on a cart, and its consumption, especially in the cold days of the year, strengthens the body's immune system and prevents infectious and viral diseases. It is especially cold and highly recommended for those who have autoimmune diseases such as MS.

With the introduction of Farangi dishes to the table of our Iranians, the consumption of foods containing legumes has decreased, while the same pea water, which is cooked with onions and spices, has so many nutritional properties that if other provinces realize its nutritional and therapeutic value, it will surely prepare

Get to know chickpeas better

Chickpea is not only a food, but also a medicine, and as recommended in traditional medicine, it is not emphasized about any of the other legumes. Peas have a hot and dry nature, and pea water is the best food in the cold days of the year, which helps regulate the body's mood.

Properties of water peas:

Chickpeas have a warm and dry character and are one of the best legumes for strengthening the bones, which have a special place in various dishes in traditional Iranian tables. It is recommended for all ages. It is recommended to consume chickpeas in different forms, for example, these people are recommended to prepare and drink a glass of chickpea juice a day. To do this, soak chickpeas in water at night and strain the water in the morning, sweeten the water with a little honey and drink it. After soaking, you can eat the chickpeas raw or cooked. While chickpeas stabilize calcium in the bones due to the presence of magnesium, they strengthen muscles and relieve spasms, and due to the presence of phosphorus, they strengthen nerve and brain cells. Folic acid and its iron, of course, are not as effective as meat in curing anemia. Due to its high fiber content, this food is a laxative and is directly involved in cleaning and emptying the intestines and prevents constipation. Also, because it is rich in B vitamins, it helps to relieve fatigue and weakness, and its continuous use for several months is very useful for hair loss.

Also, cooked chickpea juice is diuretic and useful for curing coughs and lung infections, it treats hoarseness and helps to reduce the swelling of the gums, and research has shown that it is a urinary tract disinfectant.

In general, it is useful for diseases caused by phlegm, soda and wind.

It is useful for patients with brain diseases caused by cold and for melancholic patients.

It is useful for kidney and bladder diseases.

There are three types of chickpeas: white, black and wild, the white chickpea is used more than the wild chickpea, and the black chickpea has more healing properties. Black peas have the same shape and image as white peas, but they are a little smaller and stronger than white peas. Black peas break stones and remove toxins from the body through urine and help liver function. Topical use of black pea juice is effective for relieving headache and healing itching and numbness of organs and strengthening hair.

The only weakness of pea water is its flatulence. To reduce this problem, you should introduce this food gradually and not all at once in the diet, while soaking peas and cooking them well is the best way to reduce flatulence. Cumin and angelica are also the best way to get rid of water pea flatulence.

How to make delicious water peas

Ingredients for water peas:

Chickpeas 400 grams

3 medium onions

75 grams of oil

Whole wheat flour 1 tablespoon

Salt, pepper and turmeric as needed

How to prepare chickpea water:

We soak the chickpeas the night before and strain them, chop the onions and fry them with oil until golden.

We add chickpeas to the hot onion and fry a little, add salt, pepper, turmeric and 4 glasses of water. Reduce the flame and cook the chickpeas with a gentle heat. Finally, when the chickpeas are well cooked, add the flour mixed in half a glass of cold water to the chickpeas. After a few boils, we turn off the flame. You can eat this dish with water or vinegar.


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alo recipes A website for share the great recipes , and a recipe finder.

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