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Follow Your Favorite Hashtags on Instagram

Many users will want to unfollow a certain hashtag after some time for a variety of reasons, such as a large number of new posts displayed for that hashtag.

To do this, simply login to your Instagram profile page, then enter the hashtags section in the Following section of your profile.

Here, you can unfollow that certain hashtag. You can also see the Unfollow option by logging in to any hashtag profile page (the page from where you had initially followed that hashtag).

Click on the Unfollow option to unfollow the intended hashtag.

As an Instagram user, you must have followed a number of users and seen their posts on the front page of your Instagram Feed!

User posts appear alongside their usernames on the front page on Instagram, and you can see the number of Likes and even the comments for that post.

Displaying Hashtag Posts is Slightly Different from User Posts! If you’ve followed a hashtag, only some of that hashtag’s posts will be shown to you by Instagram.

Based on Instagram algorithms, posts that you might like or be interested in will be displayed on your Instagram front page, because if Instagram wanted to show you all your favorite hashtag posts, thousands of posts a day would appear on your Instagram feed which will definitely bother you greatly.

That’s why Instagram shows you only a limited number of posts that include that certain hashtag according to your activity on this social network.

In the image above, the user has followed the hashtag #SMMW18 and Instagram is displaying a post with this hashtag to this user.

The hashtag name is displayed instead of the username, and of course, the username of the person who has shared this image can be seen below the hashtag.

It’s interesting to know that when displaying Stories related to a hashtag that you have followed, Instagram also displays the hashtag instead of displaying a username.

The image above shows the hashtag #SMMW18. If you open that story, all the stories that users have shared with this hashtag will be displayed.

In this way, hundreds of stories won’t be seen in your profile and they won’t bother you.

You can easily see the stories for this hashtag; the other important thing is that in the stories section.

An Important Note! In every hashtag that you follow, there are many interesting posts that you may like; there are also posts that you are not interested in seeing!

By Liking and posting comments below the hashtag posts you are interested in, Instagram will find out which posts you are fond of most and will show you similar images on the first page of your Instagram Feed.

So if you follow a hashtag, only Like posts that interest you and don’t Like the ones that don’t interest you because if you do, Instagram will show you other similar posts and this will bother you.

Also, if you are not interested in a post, just click on the three dots at the top right of the post and select the Don’t Show for This Hashtag option so you won’t see other similar posts on your Instagram Feed page.

Instagram has tons of users and this means that the target audience of any business is active on Instagram.

If you are active on Instagram, you’ve probably seen a lot of different pages that are related to small or large companies or businesses.

For instance, if you are keen on clothes shopping, you most definitely follow several pages related to clothes shopping and clothing stores and may even do some of your shopping through these pages.

There are many users who do their shopping online and have their shopping delivered to them in less than a week.

In fact, these businesses use Instagram to introduce their products or services, and it’s interesting to know that many of them have increased their revenues greatly by doing so.

If we want to use hashtags to expand our business, several types of hashtags will greatly help you!

Follow us along as we assess 5 types of a hashtag that help businesses grow and expand:

Many businesses have their own brand hashtag; in fact, any post that is shared with this hashtag belongs to you.

Many of these posts tag you, but you may not be tagged in some of them but by using hashtags, you can view all these posts.

If your brand is well-known, you most probably have a proprietary hashtag for your brand, and if you search for it, you’ll view many posts that are relevant to your hashtag.

For instance, if you search for the #nike hashtag on Instagram, you will see millions of posts because of the millions of users that use this company’s products.

Now, if you search the hashtag for a newly established business, you will find very few posts related to it and most of them will be posts that have been shared on the profile page of that business.

Of course, you don’t need to worry because the number of dedicated hashtag posts for your business will increases as time goes by.

To encourage users to share posts with your proprietary hashtag, follow your own hashtag and also show it to other users and the followers of your page through a Story when a user shares a related post with that hashtag.

This will encourage users to share posts with your business hashtag, and you can easily boost the amount of user interaction by doing so.

Users sometimes share great posts and these can give you great ideas for generating content for that page; for instance, users might share their views about your activities in a Post or Story, and you can easily use these opinions to generate Stories or Posts for your Instagram profile page.

In this case, you can even teach users how they can follow a hashtag on Instagram or your own hashtag; for instance, you can include your hashtag in a Story that you share with your followers and ask users to follow your own branded hashtag by entering this page!

  1. Follow the Hashtags Related to Different Events!

There are certain events in every business field that will help you greatly in producing content for your Instagram profile page.

These events can help a lot in way of enhancing the users’ interaction with your page; for instance, you can discuss these events with users, or by sharing a Post about that certain event, have users share their opinions as comments.

In every field of activity, there are topics that users tend to interact with well; for instance, if you are selling restaurant food online, you can follow the hashtags of the best local or worldwide restaurants and get inspirational ideas for producing your own content.

Business Instagram pages sometimes contain content that is not directly related to that business, but users and followers of that page interact very well with such Posts.

This will help you bring up your profile page Posts using hashtags and thus, attract more users to your profile page.

Have you ever heard of Instagram Competitions or seen Posts related to competitions on this social network?

Instagram Competitions are contests that can greatly enhance user interaction. One way to post competition-related posts that helps a lot to boost your profile page is to use a proprietary hashtag for your competition, but first, make sure that this hashtag has not been used by other users or it has been used, it was used in the past.

Because if users share Posts that are irrelevant to your Instagram Competition at the time of the contest, they will create some disturbance and the contest trend will be hindered!

If you are not familiar with the concept of Instagram Competitions, I suggest you read the article about Instagram Competitions.

The main purpose of users who use Instagram is entertainment and spending their free time!

While Instagram greatly helps businesses to grow, the reality is what we’ve already said; in fact, every time a purchase is made on your Instagram profile page, it’s done in the users’ leisure time.

Try to follow topics and hashtags on Instagram to attract users’ attention. Don’t always focus on generating content to introduce your products and services and try to generate engaging and entertaining Posts for users too.



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