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Does laser skin rejuvenation hurt

Aging, exposure to sunlight, improper nutrition, mental and physical problems, etc. always affect the skin. Pimples, spots, wounds, wrinkles and sagging skin are one of the most important concerns of people of any age.

Many people turn to using various soaps, creams, herbal medicines and traditional medicine methods to solve these problems. These methods may help to maintain the health of the skin, but they do not completely improve its appearance and have no effect on skin rejuvenation.

Is it possible to rejuvenate the skin with a laser?

Laser skin rejuvenation is a care method performed by a dermatologist. Laser helps to improve skin texture and appearance. In fact, the use of laser is a proven method to reduce wrinkles and skin abnormalities such as spots or pimples.

Laser skin rejuvenation is performed by directing short, focused beams of light to the skin. This method makes the skin younger and clearer by removing unhealthy skin layers and stimulating collagen growth.

What are laser skin rejuvenation methods?

Today, there are various methods for rejuvenating the skin with laser. Each of these methods has its own advantages and functions. Some of the best and newest face rejuvenation methods and skin rejuvenation methods are:


Endolift is an outpatient and minimally invasive method for laser skin rejuvenation. This method is done with various goals; These goals include correcting the deep and superficial layers of the skin, strengthening the skin, stimulating collagen, and removing excess fat. But more than anything, endolift tightens and tightens the facial skin, activates metabolic functions in the cell's external matrix, and brings beauty to the facial skin.

Laser skin rejuvenation with endolift method is performed without the need for anesthesia, surgery, incision and bleeding and with minimal invasiveness. This method requires only one treatment session and the cost of laser skin rejuvenation is lower than other methods.

Endolift is effective for both men and women and is used for the face, neck, abdomen, thighs, knees, hips and ankles. This method has no serious side effects and you can return to your daily activities two days after endolift.


Hifu therapy (HIFU) is one of the relatively new methods of laser skin rejuvenation that causes tightening. This method is non-invasive and painless and is considered a good alternative to face lift. Ultrasound waves in hyphotherapy stimulate collagen production and make the face younger and fresher.

In the past, HIFU was used for tumor treatment, but the first report of using HIFU for cosmetic treatments was reported in 2008. The FDA approved the use of hypotherapy in 2009 for eyebrow lift and in 2014 for the removal of lines and wrinkles on the neck and chest.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, between 2012 and 2017, hypotherapy and other non-surgical options for facelifts increased by nearly 65 percent. Because this method has a very good result for reducing wrinkles, removing skin sagging in the neck, lifting cheeks, eyebrows and eyelids, strengthening the jaw line and smoothing the skin and rejuvenating the hands.

Fractional laser or co2

Skin rejuvenation with fractional CO2 laser is a treatment method used by dermatologists and doctors. This method helps to reduce the appearance of pimples, deep wrinkles and other skin abnormalities. Fractional laser skin rejuvenation by removing the damaged outer layers gives you clear and young skin.

Fractional laser solves a wide range of skin problems; Removing age spots, crow's feet lines, sebaceous glands around the nose, fine wrinkles, sagging skin, sun damage and warts are among the uses of this method. Skin rejuvenation with fractional CO2 laser is also used for neck, hands and arms.

Fractional CO2 laser was the best treatment method for skin rejuvenation before the invention of methods such as hyphotherapy. In this method, a high-power laser is used, which greatly helps exfoliate the damaged parts of the skin. But this is an invasive method and the facial skin needs special care in the first three days after the treatment.

What is the best skin rejuvenation laser?

Since each person's physical condition, skin type, and body reaction to one treatment method are different from another, it is not possible to accurately choose one method as the best skin rejuvenation laser. Each of the methods has its own conditions and advantages that can be the best of its kind.

Therefore, choosing the best skin rejuvenation laser can only be done with a doctor's prescription and based on your skin type and characteristics. According to schweigerderm website, fractional CO2 laser is the best skin rejuvenating laser for removing scars and deep scars. This laser can penetrate the deepest layers of the skin and stimulate collagen growth. One of the best fractional CO2 lasers is Fraxel Re.

What are the important cares after laser skin rejuvenation?

Expect that after some time, the skin in the treated area will peel off and be replaced by new, pink-tinged skin. It may take a year for the pink color of the skin to disappear; Protecting your skin is the most important thing you can do at this time. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends doing the following after laser skin resurfacing:

Clean the treated areas with a diluted vinegar or saline solution two to five times a day as directed by your doctor.

Use the treatment and skin care methods recommended by your doctor to improve your skin.

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