

Details of a Nursery Summer Camp in Dubai

Summer Camp in Dubai 2024

A cheerful, interesting, and enjoyable camp experience is the goal of our Summer Camp here at The Little Dreamers Nursery. In addition to a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities, the professional teachers at our nursery will give your child the opportunity to explore, play, and meet new friends. As the weather is heating up in Dubai, we have some great news for you all! The Little Dreamers Nursery provides lots of exciting play opportunities indoor and outdoor, in a cool and safe environment. Here are some of the top nursery summer camp activities:



Parachute Games

Parachute games are an all-time favourite game for children of all ages! These games teach children a wider range of skills and abilities, such as how to follow directions, increases cooperation, promotes communication and language and also makes physical activity fun!




Here at The Little Dreamers Nursery are very lucky to be surrounded by Nature, which supports our Curiosity Approach. The children will be able to create their own gardens, such as planting seeds and watching the lifecycle of a flower, as their creations grow! Through gardening, children learn new skills, have fun and develop self-confidence.


Water/ Sensory Play

In the morning, the children will be provided with opportunities to play in the Outdoor Sensory and Water Play Area. Drive into our Little Dreamers Car Wash and experience lots of bubble fun, plus much more exciting sensory and water activities for all the children to enjoy! Children benefit from water play as it strengthens their gross and fine motor skills, as well as their physical fitness, through pouring and splashing!



Indoor Forest

We are very excited to inform you of our Indoor Forest here at The Little Dreamers Nursery. Walk into nature and experience the outdoors, indoors! Come and meet our Nursery Tortoise, Poki and our friendly birds, as you experience the world around you! Crawl into our Tree House and jump into sensory stories throughout summer!


Nature Crafts

We are very proud to be following the Curiosity Approach in our Nursery. This is based on child led learning, where children can make their own choices which encourages problem solving skills and confidence. We use a lot of natural materials and open ended resources, which spark the children’s curiosity! They will enter a world of play and imagination, where they are active participants in their learning! The children will be making various crafts and activities with natural materials, such as flowers, sticks and leaves!

A Journey of Colour

Join us on a Journey of Colour this Summer Camp in Dubai 2024, where the children will be going back in time to walk with dinosaurs, splashing under the sea and visiting Rainbow Valley, plus much more!


What is the importance of our British Nursery Summer Camp?

This Nursery Summer Camp is one of the best summer camps in Dubai, is great for children’s self-esteem and independence development. Children have a great opportunity to grow and learn in a structured environment. Summer camp fosters growth, develops life-long skills and encourages a connection with nature!


source: Summer camp 2024 - Dreamers Nursery Dubai



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