

IVF in Iran


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a laboratory technique that fertilizes an egg with a sperm outside the uterus. There are 4 types of  IVF for whom the success rate differs. Many infertile couples wonder how IVF works. Its course may seem complicated, but the fertility centers have multidisciplinary teams to guide future parents step by step, during IVF. Some fertility centers in Iran even have a coordinator (nurse or midwife) to support couples in their administrative procedures and on the circuit to follow, specific to each structure. 

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most popular fertility treatments in Iran.


Iranian Surgeons Specializing in IVF in Iran

Thousands of Iranian Surgeons have assisted people expand their families for many years. You can trust that our compassionate team of experts will evaluate the cause of your infertility, and CarefulTrip will provide you with a treatment plan tailored to your situation.

Among Iranian surgery's obstetrics and gynecology specialists, you will find specialists offering treatment for infertility in the form of medication, surgery, in vitro fertilization, or other methods.

Nearly 400 infertility patients are seen by our experts every year.


Treatment and Diagnosis Based on Advanced Technology

In addition to treating infertility, we also preserve oocytes, achieve fertility preservation, and treat uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Thus, oocytes can be frozen to create an appropriate number of embryos. Our medical team continuously evaluates the latest evidence of infertility treatments to minimize unnecessary testing and delays.



Who Needs Our IVF Services in Iran?

You might be new to IVF treatment and its benefits. You should know that many people need to do In Vitro Fertilization due to different reasons. It's all followed by your doctor's prescription, and you can’t decide on doing it by self-diagnosis. Here you can see a list of those who need this treatment:

  • Women with blocked fallopian tubes or women who suffer from pelvic organs adhesion or fallopian tubes adhesion or injuries
  • Women and men with genetic disorders
  • Women experiencing an ovulation disorder
  • Women with premature ovarian failure
  • People with low sperm count or low motility of sperm
  • Cases with Unexplained infertility


Why Should You Do IVF Treatment in Iran?

Iran has emerged as an international leader in fertility treatments at a much lower cost than other countries in recent years. In several Iranian cities, such as Tehran, Shiraz, Yazd, and Esfahan, there are well-equipped centers that provide services to infertile patients and provide them with a variety of treatments. Furthermore, high IVF success rates in Iran should be taken into consideration by patients.

To obtain the best medical services, you should work with a professional medical tourism facilitator in Iran. Since our team is so large, we can offer each patient intensive care.

By connecting you with experienced physicians and fertility treatment centers around the globe, we help you determine the best decision ever to treat your infertility based on their valuable experience.



How much dies IVF Cost in Iran?

The cost of IVF in Iran, is $4000 on average. Iranian IVF cycles range in price from $ 2,500 to $ 5,000, including medications. There is a cost of about $ 800 for medicines per cycle.


Due to Low Prices at Other Clinics, Do We Need to Change Our Clinic?

Be sure to consider the clinic's quality and services before paying any fees for IVF treatment. If you decide to go to another clinic because the price is lower, consider asking if the clinic offers you a full range of services; for example, do they include medications?


Prior to IVF

  1. When the mother’s period is on her second or third day, she requires sonography to test her ovary and uterus.
  2. The specialist then prescribes medicine following sonography. It's all related to the stimulation of ovulation.
  3. Five to six sessions of sonography are required while using the medicine to examine ova reactions.
  4. The patient will receive an injection of HCG when their follicles have grown to a sufficient size for the collection of egg cells.
  5. Laboratory fertilization takes place 36 hours after the HCG injection on the father. The sperm sample will be collected then.


IVF Process

IVF treatment process takes four to six weeks to be done. This could be different based on your conditions and the type of IVF you are having. There are five stages for the patient in this method of infertility treatment:


  1. Prescription of ovulation induction medication is given in the first step. Ideally, this medication should be taken 8 to 14 days before the patient’s period begins. After a doctor has approved the inducing medication, he may proceed to the second stage.
  2. In this procedure, a needle is inserted into the vagina to suction the eggs from follicles. This stage does not require general anesthesia. This operation is only performed under local anesthesia and numbness. This stage involves the extraction of 8-15 eggs. To perform the second stage successfully, the patient should fast.
  3. Fertilization begins with a sampling of a man’s sperm.
  4. Combining the man's sperm and the woman's egg is the main step for this stage. As part of the fertilization process, they are placed in a dish. Medical specialists and doctors directly supervise the production of these eggs. In case fertilization and division are successful, the fertilized egg is referred to as an embryo.
  5. Following the retrieval of the fertilized egg cells, the embryo is transferred into the uterus after 3 to 5 days; this is the major part of stage five and the last step of this method. This is a non-anesthesia procedure in which the embryo is placed into woman's womb. Pain is usually not experienced during this method, and the patient can leave after an hour or two.


Is Anesthesia Required?

General anesthesia is not needed for this procedure. In this procedure, only local anesthesia and numbness are applied. This method can be used by patients without any problems if they suffer from an anesthesia problem.



10 to 12 days following the embryo transfer, a hormonal blood test will be performed on the patient to measure BHCG levels. The rise of this hormone first identifies pregnancy.

1 to 2 hours following embryo transfer surgery, the patient may be released from the hospital and can resume normal daily activities. The following three to four days should be free of heavy activity.


Possible Discomforts

  • Abdomen pain
  • Nausea
  • Weakness and dizziness
  • Bleeding


What is IVF success rate in Iran?

IVF in Iran offers higher pregnancy rates than other treatments. On average, there is over 65% success rate for this method which is the highest rate globally. IVF success, like any other medical procedure, depends on several factors: the specific method of IVF used, number of cycles, age, causes of infertility, and medical history.

The complete cycle of In Vitro Fertilization lasts approximately three to four weeks depending on the phases required.

There are 4 types of IVF: IVF with your eggs and your partner's sperm, IVF with your eggs and donor sperm, IVF with donor eggs and your partner's sperm, and IVF with eggs from a donor and sperm from a donor.

The rates in women under 35 after three cycles are as follows:

-  IVF with your eggs and your partner's sperm: up to 64%

-  IVF with your eggs and donor sperm: up to 64%

-  IVF with donor eggs and partner's sperm: up to 93%

-  IVF with donor eggs and donor sperm: up to 93%



Are there any conditions required for this treatment? 

Normally IVF is recommended for couples who have problems with having a child. Then, depending on other factors, the fertility center and the medical team designated for your need to know which method works best for you such as the ICSI method. Therefore, they will establish your diagnosis; a process that will take 2 to 3 hours.


In Vitro Fertilization with Intracytoplasmic Microinjection (ICSI)

In Vitro Fertilization with Intracytoplasmic Microinjection is when an egg is inseminated through the microinjection of a single sperm. Therefore, it only takes one sperm per egg.

The success rate of this method is relatively high, about 50 to 80%.


CarefulTrip; The best health tourism company in Iran

Our administrative team at CarefulTrip makes sure that each family could benefit from a caring medical team who assures them along this process. Health tourism in Iran is at its peak due to the advancement in medical centers and equipment.So, you can easily trust CarefulTrip with your infertility treatment. CarefulTrip works with fertility center which is based in Tehran, is designed and built inspired by the Colorado fertility clinic (CCRM), with a 65% IVF success rate. 


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