

There are many ways to make Windows and Android operating systems work together. One of these methods is to display the Android phone .....
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10 Ways To Solve The Problem Of Google Play Services Not Working

In most Android devices, Problem Of Google Play Services Not Working are the main cause of problems. If you've been using an Android phone for a while, you've probably noticed this. Some of these problems will not allow you to download new apps, while other problems will cause problems in playing your Google Play Music.

How to fix stoppage of Google Play services

If you keep getting a message that says services keep stopping, these methods will fix this problem for you.

Reboot your device

When there is a problem like Google Play services stopping, the first and foremost thing you should try is to reboot your device. Rebooting will fix many of the common minor problems in your phone and you should try it.

Once your phone boots, you're done.

Update the Play Store app

Like other apps, the Google Play Store app needs to be updated to ensure a bug-free and optimized experience. Most of the time, the program installs updates automatically. However, you can manually check to see if there is an update to install.

1. Launch the Google Play Store application on your device.

2. Tap on the three lines icon in the upper left corner and select Settings.

3. Click on the Play store version option to find and install updates.

Delete Google Play services Data & Cache

Google Play services keep data and cache files on your device

they have When there is a problem with the service, you can delete these files and see if the problem is fixed.

If the problem is due to a cache, this should solve the problem.

1. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications on your device and turn on

Tap Google Play services.

2- Select the Storage option and click clear storage and then clear cache

Roll back the update of The Play Store services

Although app updates usually fix your device's problems, sometimes they are the cause of the problem. In such cases, rolling back the updates is the best thing you can do. This will bring you back to the active version of Google Play services on your phone.

1. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications and tap on Google Play services.

2. Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner and select Uninstall updates.


Androidtechniq There are many ways to make Windows and Android operating systems work together. One of these methods is to display the Android phone .....

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